The Habsburgs in the Mirror of History at the Faculty of Arts
Imagine being able to peek directly into the lives of the Habsburg emperors...
What would you find out? Their political ambitions, their complicated family relationships, their illnesses and personal tragedies. But also about their festivities, entertainments and daily life at their residential courts in Vienna or Prague. The Habsburgs were more than just rulers - they were masters at communicating through symbols. Did you know, for example, that animals played a crucial role in their court propaganda? And what about the fascinating stories of their children's weddings, which often went beyond political marriages?
The Faculty of Arts of the Jagiellonian University is launching a new Third Age University course, Habsburgs in the Early Modern Period - Rulers in the Middle of Europe, starting in March 2025... and you can apply now. All information about the course, including dates and application form, can be found here: https://czv.jcu.cz/cz/detail-kurzu?kurz=604674502
Immerse yourself in history as you don't know it!