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University of the Third Age

Since 1991, the University of South Bohemia offers programs and courses for people of advanced age. You can select from wide range of courses: languages, computer skills, professional courses in the fields of health, active life, history, culture, theology, economics and more.

The participants do not only sit and listen in the lectures, but also actively participate in classroom activities, go on excursions or create a variety of outputs, including art. More about the history and activities of U3A at USB can be read here.

The programs of the University of the Third Age are offered by these faculties: Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology and Faculty of Economics. From 2017 we also offer new U3A at Faculty of Philosophy and joined program at Faculty of Education with Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters.

University of South Bohemia is a member of the Czech Association of Universities of the Third Age (AU3V).

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